Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cooking from the Garden

I'm always searching for new vegetable preparation recipes. One of my favorite things to do in the evening is to walk out into the garden and harvest today's dinner. For many years, I either worked for an organic vegetable farm, purchased a veggie share from a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program at a local farm, or grew an abundance of vegetables. At first, I had no idea to prepare some of the vegetables that I had helped to harvest for the farm's weekly CSA pick-up. It was a very worthwhile investment to purchase some vegetable oriented cookbooks.

The List

Jack BishopVegetables Every Day
Mary Beth Lind and Cathleen Hockman-WertSimply in Season
Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture CoalitionFrom Asparagus to Zucchini: a Guide to Cooking Farm-fresh Seasonal Produce

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