Materials: sharp knife, plastic container, cool water, salad spinner, storage container or bag.
How to harvest salad greens: 1. Use a sharp knife or scissors. I prefer a sharpened knife. Scissors can have a tendency to crush the leaf tissue, which can hasten rot. If harvesting head lettuce, cut at the soil level and remove yellowed or dead leaves. If harvesting salad mix, cut a few inches above the soil. 2. Put the harvested greens directly into a bowl, tub, or bucket of cool water. This cools the leaf tissue and prevents wilting. Also, this step allows slugs, sand, and dirt to fall to the bottom while insects and spiders to rise to the top. 3. Use a salad spinner to remove the excess water. 4. Store in a plastic bag or plastic ware. If using a plastic bag, be careful not to crush the greens in the bag.
What not to do: clench or crush greens in a bundle, this will bruise the leaf blades or midribs and will significantly shorten the shelf-life.
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